Monday, December 28, 2009


Michael has sculpted numerous busts, including his most recent marble carving. He has done commissioned sculpture of spouses, children, and historical figures. This most recent study of Abraham Lincoln pictured immediately left is a well-executed copy of the Augustus Saint-Gaudens original. The other bust of Lincoln is his own design. Michael has a great admiration for President Lincoln, as you can see through his artwork. Helping each new generation of people understand history is desirable and important.

The portriat bust to the right is looser and a bit more impressionistic. The bust is life size and bronzed.
For more information or to contact Michael, you can leave a reply here or email him at

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Pietrasanta, Italy is a beautiful town on the coast of the Mediterannean Sea in the Tuscany region of Italy neat the town of Carerra. Most people agree that in the mountains of Carerra is found the best marble in the world. The statuary marble is known throughout the world for becoming the foundation of the greatest statues in history, and as France drew painters from all over, Italy is a magnet for sculptors.
In Pietrasanta Mike studied with one of the few master carvers left in the country. It is sadly a dying art. It was with gratitude that Mike learned and discovered how the process is done.

Although he spent most of his time working, he was still able to visit Rome and Florence. He saw many of the great works in stone including piece by Michaelangelo, Bernini, and works from the Greeks and masters of the Renaissance. The Belvedere Torso and the Lacoon statue were among his favorites. Grasping for words to describe the pieces he saw, things like "Beautiful!" and "Amazing!" seemed not nearly enough. Art of the Old Masters is definitely something you need to experience in person.

Mike also visited the Medici Chapel in Florence with friends. Two of their group decided not to go in and went shopping instead. When they came out of the chapel, the two friends were waiting for them. They expressed their strengthened desire to go in, telling Mike and the others that they came out looking different, as though they had changed somehow.

Mike hopes to go back to Pietrasanta and is planning a multi-figure piece in statuary marble.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Michael's most recent ventures have taken him into the Carrera mountains in Italy where he studied marble carving. He spent a month in the town of Pietrasanta where an old master taught him how to work with marble. Although many people that know him kept speaking to him like he had been on vacation, he spent the great majority of his time working. It was an incredible experience an a great encounter of knowledge that has been around for centuries.

While there, he was able to visit many of Michaelangelo's works along with Bernini, Canova, and many other well-known sculptors. He also made a stop in Paris and was able to go to the Louvre for two days and was very impressed by the work there.

As he is awaiting the shipment of his marble from Italy, he is working on sculptures here. After his most recent pubic artwork in South Jordan City (see photo), he has a strong desire to do more. Public art is something that everyone can benefit from, especially those who aren't normally exposed to artworks. He can also see after being in Rome and Pietrasanta that sculpture beautifies and accentuates cities and towns.